Shape Name

Example of Shape

Bacteria Examples

Coccus (plural: cocci) - round or ball-shaped bacterium 

round or ball-shaped bacterium 

Staphylococcus aureus, agent of skin infection

Bacillus (bacilli) - rod or cylindrical shaped bacterium

rod or cylindrical shaped bacterium

Bacillus cereus, agent of food poisoning
Escherichia coli, agent of traveler's diarrhea, food poisoning

Vibrio - curved, rod-shaped bacterium

curved, rod-shaped bacterium

Vibrio cholerae, agent of cholera

Fusiform --rod-shaped bacterium with tapered ends

Fusiform rod-shaped bacterium with tapered ends

Fusobacterium periodonticum, agent of gingivitis and periodontitis

Spirillum (spirilla) rigid spiral-shaped bacterium

Spirillum (spirilla) rigid spiral-shaped bacterium

Spirillum minus, agent of rat bite fever

Spirochete - flexible spiral-shaped bacterium

Spirochete - flexible spiral-shaped bacterium

Treponema pallidum, agent of syphilis

Pleomorphic - Bacterium with varying shapes

Pleomorphic - Bacterium with varying shapes

Corynebacterium diphtheriae, agent of diphtheria. They are rod-shaped bacteria, but in culture, they exhibit different shapes: club-shaped, curved, filamentous and coccoid.

Filamentous - branch forming bacterium

Filamentous - branch forming bacterium

Species of Streptomyces, antibiotic producing bacteria


Arrangement Name

Example of Arrangement

Bacteria Examples


Diplobacilli: rod-shaped bacteria in pairs

rod-shaped bacteria in pairs.



Streptobacilli: rod-shaped bacteria in chains

rod-shaped bacteria in chains.

Streptobacillus moniliformis


Diplococci: round-shaped bacteria in pairs

round-shaped bacteria in pairs

Streptococcus pneumoniae


Streptococci: in chains of four to hundred cells

in chains of four to hundred cells

Streptococcus pyogenes


Staphylococci--irregular clusters of round-shaped bacteria

irregular clusters

Staphylococcus aureus